
Our Curriculum Overview

Paramedical is a heart of Healthcare, it’s an adventitious to establish in healthcare industry as a paramedical professional.

Advanced Health Assistant (AHA)

This Hospital is fully equipped to handle complicated cases like a Neuro surgery, Cardiology, Liver disorders, Obesity surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeries , High risk Pregnancies, Nephrology, Urology, ENT, Ortho and Pediatric. ICU is fully equipped with 12 Ventilators and 8 HFNC’s, Infusion Pumps, Syringe Pumps and Monitors for all the beds. Since the hospital runs at 70 to 80% bed Occupancy. The candidates will have an all inclusive training during this 3 years course.

Diploma in Health Assistant (DHA)

In the Two year duration students have exposed to all Medical cases and surgical care.

Diploma in OT Technician (DOT)

Two Modular Theatres are fully equipped with higher end boilers apparatus, obesity table, Neuro Table, C-arm, Full range of Laparoscopic set up, Neuro drill, Neuro Endoscope, Spine Endoscope, CUSA, Vessel seal, Intra op Ultrasound and CSSD. Also on an arrange 3 to 4 cases a day are done in all specialties except Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (DMLT)

Fully Automated and Semi automated Analyser are available. On a daily basis ABG, Coagulation, Hormonal profiles are run regularly. Apart from routine Bio-Chemical Urine and Blood Analysis. Also availability of RT-PCR for HCV COVID, TB-PCR and other diseases. Is a great advantage for the candidate.

Diploma in Dialysis Technician (DDT)

Both Positive and Negative dialysis are done regularly. The new dialysis machine is used for Plasmapheresis. Hence DDT candidates can have a wide range of hands on experience during training.

Diploma in Diagnostic Technician (DDGT)

ECG and X-ray are done regularly under the guidance of Cardiologist and Radiologist hence training for all procedures are imparted as per the curriculum. Also fully equipped lab is at the disposal of the candidate 24/7.

Diploma in Radiology Technician (DRT)

CT machine available, both mobile and fixed x-ray are available. Regular X-rays as well as invasive procedures are done regularly like hystero salpingogram, Cystourethrogram, Barrium swallow studies.